Does the idea of a delayed start to the school year conjure up visions of sweat pants and sleeping past noon for your teen? It doesn’t have to be more time spent doing nothing. Here are some ideas to make the next 4 weeks meaningful to your teen now and for their future!
- Come up with a community service project. Talk about an awesome use of time! This will not only give you the warm fuzzies, but it looks awesome on a college application! With standardized tests up in the air, colleges are going to be looking for other ways to see who stands out. Nothing screams leadership, initiative and integrity like doing something good in your neighborhood! Organize a food drive, make toys for the animal shelter, crochet mats for the homeless. The Study Lounge has a maker-space craft area where you can make cards to drop by a nursing home, or paint rocks to spread love around your neighborhood! Get friends to jump on your bandwagon of goodness and really do something positive with your time.
- Take a course and expand your horizons! I’m not talking about the Biology class you bombed (although now is a good time to do that too), I’m talking about something outside the high school box. Many colleges, including Harvard and other Ivy League universities are offering free courses. Maybe computer gaming or coding? Religion or law? There’s even one on preventing the next pandemic! Classes can broaden your horizon and maybe even spark an interest that leads to a career path. Not to mention, they too stand out on a college application. The Study Lounge will have American Sign Language classes that are included with membership! Take a break from your distance learning in September and learn something new!
- Go back over the last few units of your math textbook. You read correctly- I’m suggesting you voluntarily read your math textbook. I think we can all agree, no matter how hard students and teachers tried, some learning was lost. Sport alert; the first few weeks of math next year centers around the final weeks of math from the previous year. Do yourself a favor and go back over it. Drag your friend into it too and set some time aside each day to video chat and go over the lesson. Take turns explaining concepts. You loved playing teacher when you were little. Who knows- maybe you’ll enjoy it again! Think you’d do better with a real teacher? We are running FREE 2-day Math Bootcamps all of August. Call 561-822-6018 for class times!
- Start writing. Or typing. And no, I don’t mean texting or posting. The pandemic has taken its toll on society in a lot of ways, especially mentally. Writing can be cathartic and good for the soul. Maybe start a blog or even consider sending an article to a local paper. Teens have a lot to say and this might be one way to share your thoughts and ideas. Blogging sound a little blah? Maybe try expressing yourself through a song. The Study Lounge is offering a songwriting class this fall, also included with membership. Every generation needs a voice: It could be yours!
- Focus on a healthier you. Sleeping late, snacking a lot and little to no exercise left a lot of us not feeling our best. Search some recipes on line or make a workout schedule. If you need support, consider an exercise buddy – even if it’s over Zoom! The Study Lounge will be offering yoga this school year (yes, with a mask) to help you get centered and back to feeling like you. Come find a good balance between academic, social and emotional health at The Study Lounge.