Top 10 Tips for Distance Learning
- Get out of your PJ’s I know that sounds harsh, but you have to. Keep up the normalcy as much as you can when it comes to your morning routine. Don’t worry, PJ’s on the weekend are still allowed!
- Set a schedule and stick to it For some of you, your school will dictate a schedule at least a few days a week. You still want to fill in the gaps for the downtime. Try to keep your regular bedtime, wake up time, meal times and homework time.
- Have lunch with friends Everybody looks forward to lunch and you still can! Set up a Zoom meeting or other video app and hang out with your friends while you eat.
- Have a designated work area (and a play area too) As tempting as it might be to log into that class from bed, don’t do it! Pick another spot to be your classroom and while you’re at it, a spot to do some creative stuff too.
- Keep your materials in one place It’s good to be organized no matter where you are. No need to abandon your backpack now. If you don’t want to keep your stuff in there, grab a bin or designate a spot for books and supplies.
- Reach out to your teacher If you need help, ask. It’s easier for a teacher to get a sense of understanding during a lesson by looking at the class. Distance learning makes it hard. If you don’t get something, ask. I guarantee you’re not the only one.
- Set other devices aside You are probably going to need your laptop or tablet for distance learning, but put your phone aside during “class.” While you’re at it, shut the tv and turn off notifications on your device. Trust me, you have plenty of time for social media and everything else.
- Get outside If you’re lucky enough to live in a place with nice weather – take advantage of it. Take the dog for an extra long walk or just go for a stroll. Reconnect with nature and say hi to your neighbors (from 6’ away at least for now).
- Make time for some sort of PE Even if PE wasn’t in your original schedule, find time for some exercise. Airplay a yoga video, grab the weights from the garage or go for a run.
- Take advantage of down time to learn something new If you ever said, “I’d love to try that if I had the time…” Well guess what? Now you do. A shout out to youtube for having a video on how to do anything you can think of. Origami? Knitting? Sign Language? Go for it!